Set-Based Methods for Robustly Safe and Secure Cyber-Physical Systems Seminar

Event Status
Sze Zheng Yong, Ph.D.

Recent research in safety control has leveraged the availability of accurate models to detect impending safety violations and to intervene accordingly. However, there is often a mismatch between the models that are used for algorithm design and the real systems. Moreover, control designs typically assume the availability of full state information that is error-free and trustworthy. These modeling discrepancies, sensing/estimation errors and the possibility of compromised/spoofed signals, if not proactively considered, will jeopardize safety guarantees, leading to serious damage to safety-critical systems, including autonomous vehicles and power systems, and to loss of trust in these technologies. This talk presents some of our contributions to the development of set-based estimation, control, and learning methods for safe and secure cyber-physical systems under uncertainty. 

The first part of the talk will focus on the design of interval observers for estimating the states of various uncertain system classes by leveraging mixed-monotonicity theory, as well as a recent extension to resilient state estimation against false data injection attacks. Next, the talk will discuss tools for computing controlled invariant/recurrent sets with applications to safety control via robust control barrier functions and intent-aware set-based motion planning, control, and estimation. Finally, the talk will conclude with a description of set-membership learning approaches for learning robust inclusion models from noisy data that can be used for robust data-driven safety and (intent) model estimation.  

Date and Time
May 8, 2023, 11 a.m. to noon