Event Status

June 2 to July 24, All Day
The Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP) summer internship, "LLMs for Safe Navigation," provides summer support for qualified undergraduate and high school students to work with faculty, mentors, and research staff from the Center of Autonomy during the summer months. Click for more info on this paid internship opportunity!
Event Status
June 2 to Aug. 11, All Day
The Realtime Adaption REU (Summer Internship) – NSF Cohort seeks to analyze the use of neural function encoders for real-world autonomous systems subject to challenging environmental characteristics such as irregular terrain surfaces and noisy state estimates. The resulting experiments will test the baseline capability of neural function encoders and their ability to ensure safe, responsive operation in rapidly changing environments requiring real-time adaptability through sensor-driven, in-situ adjustment. Thereby helping build foundations for further research on the fly adaptive control with scarce data. Click for more info on this paid internship opportunity for undergraduates!