
Welcome to the Center for Autonomy

The Center for Autonomy brings together several research groups that address fundamental challenges in developing autonomous systems through contributions in controls, machine learning, game theory, information theory, and formal methods. Its primary objective is to create a unified front in attracting the best researchers to UT Austin and empowering them to solve the pressing problems toward developing autonomous systems that can make a net positive impact.

Photo of Center for Autonomy group members

Upcoming Events

Photo of Lu Feng
Event Status
Wednesday September 11, 2024, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
POB 4.304
Autonomous systems are rapidly transforming various sectors such as transportation and manufacturing by offering innovative solutions that enhance quality of life. However, these advancements bring significant challenges related to safety and trustworthiness. In this talk, I will present my group’s research on addressing some of these challenges. I will start by introducing our approach to planning in autonomous systems, which considers human trust in automation by employing a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) to model human-autonomy interactions. I will then highlight our recent developments in safe POMDP online planning, which provide probabilistic safety assurances in dynamic environments. Lastly, I will delve into our work on multi-agent systems, showcasing our efforts to ensure safety and explainability in multi-agent reinforcement learning.



Center for Autonomy Spring/Summer 2024 Graduates

Sept. 4, 2024
The Center for Autonomy at the Oden Institute for Computational Sciences is proud to showcase our recent Spring and Summer graduates. These graduates are now equipped to make a meaningful and positive impact on the field as they embark on their new career paths.
The CCC Council released a new Whitepaper, "Addressing the Unforeseen Harms of Technology"

Addressing the Unforeseen Harms of Technology, Whitepaper Release

June 25, 2024
The CCC Council’s Addressing the Unforeseen Deleterious Impacts of Technology (AUDIT) task force, composed of Nadya Bliss, Kevin Butler, David Danks, Ufuk Topcu, and Matthew Turk, recently released a new Whitepaper, "Addressing the Unforeseen Harms of Technology."
Photo of Takashi Tanaka

Takashi Tanaka, Promoted to Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering

April 29, 2024
Professor Takashi Tanaka, a member of the Center for Autonomy, has been promoted to Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering with tenure as of September 1st, 2024. Congratulations to Professor Tanaka!
REACT participants at the Center for Autonomy Lab

Center for Autonomy Inspires Undergraduates Through Research Experience Program

Outreach Events

Student looking through virtual headset in TACC lab

Learning Together: Del Valle Juniors and Seniors Visit UT

Del Valle

Del Valle Outreach Visit


Liberal Arts and Science Academy Visit

Del Valle

Del Valle High School AI Talk and Tour